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Support Standards

ITSS Support & Procurement Guidelines

What Support Does ITSS Provide?

IT Services & 支持(ITSS)为E世博ESBALL社区提供全面的技术支持. We are comprised of four primary groups for student, faculty, and staff support; smart classrooms, labs, and media services.

所有校园技术援助和采购的请求都要从用户支持服务服务台开始. This includes smart classroom issues, labs support, media services requests, procurement, campus systems (Colleague, Web Advisor, ImageNow, etc), web, voicemail, networking, accounts, hardware, and software support. Send an email to, a call to 2888, or in person in LRC 120.

User Support Services (USS) Service Desk

Contacts to the Service Desk are free for all departments, retirees, and guests; however phone and walk-in support are limited in scope and duration. The Service Desk provides a wide range of services including account and password issues; IT procurement, systems access troubleshooting; light technical assistance for phones, networking, and voicemail; support for major campus IT projects; IT training, and much more.

Desktop Management

Desktop (DNS) technicians provide a range of services including: receiving new computing equipment; imaging computers with campus supported software images; assisting in the transfer of data between desktops; providing diagnostic troubleshooting; assisting with desktop security management and incidents; department consultation; management of the Computer Lifecycle Replacement (CLR) Program; assistance on enterprise projects; central labs management, and much more.

Smart Classrooms

Smart Classroom technicians provide a range of services including: receiving new computing equipment; imaging computers with smart classroom supported software images; incident dispatch and troubleshooting, department consultation; and annual smart classroom refresh planning and implementation.

Media Services

媒体服务技术人员提供一系列服务,包括:视频和音频捕获服务, event media support, on site media setup, assisting departments in acquiring captioning grants, management of the campus multi-media server, and much more.


What is "supported" hardware and software?

These are the products that IT Services & 支持服务台和桌面技术人员在支持方面受过培训和经验丰富. In general these products have proven reliability, parts availability, and superior vendor technical support. 我们收到支持的硬件和软件的批量折扣, 而这些产品也被确定为高校可靠的企业级计算解决方案.

Procurement Process

部门需要采购和/或升级到IT服务的硬件和软件 & Support supports, so that we can provide optimal service, 您可以保证您的配置将与我们复杂的网络环境兼容. View supported hardware.

Email User Support Services at to request a procurement consultation.

如果您想确定标准计算采购或单元规划目的的成本估算, visit our Purchase Options page for assistance.


By purchasing IT Services & Support vetted computers and technology equipment, 您购买的是经过测试和可靠的系统,我们的技术人员经过培训,可以提供支持. 我们与戴尔和苹果有着紧密的合作关系,并得到了他们的大力支持. 前期成本可能会多一点,但对机构来说是长期的节省.

批量购买更少的型号使E世博ESBALL能够充分利用我们强大的购买力. 我们对标准化的承诺使我们能够为高质量的Butte定制戴尔计算机和显示器谈判出色的价格. 我们收到巴特自定义Optiplex台式电脑的50%折扣, 我们保证了戴尔所有设备的5年保修期, 在设备的使用寿命期间,节省了区域的维修费用和企业生产力.

我们正在建立高效的流程,并采购了能够统一、快速地设置和配置整个校园使用的安全系统的工具. These processes and tools, combined with standard equipment, allow us to make maximum use of shrinking resources, 并有效地减少学院的支持成本. 定期购买和电脑生命周期更换(CLR)计划, 今年我们将为学院添置250-300台新电脑, and "re-image" another 250 or so. 我们只需要根据所选的标准校园模型创建一些图像, saving several hundred hours of work.

E世博ESBALL已经发展到一个地步,技术标准化已经成为在安全的环境中发挥作用的必要条件, efficient, and fiscally sound manner. 继续购买非标准计算机会造成不统一的安装, which are more difficult to support, maintain, and secure. 为所有大学用户提供安全和可用的技术体验是我们的目标!


我们的E世博ESBALL定制配置的戴尔系统的设计,以满足我们的学院教师和工作人员的计算需求. 台式电脑离高端游戏只有一步之遥, CAD, and video production level system.

我们认识到,有时用户需要的配置与我们指定的校园标准不同. 如果您需要不同的规格,请提交请求到 and request a procurement consultation. A technician will perform a requirements analysis, and, if a non-standard machine is deemed justified, 该请求将被发送给地区IT经理进行审核. Upon approval, the department can proceed as normal.

Why do I have to have a Butte decal on my equipment?

IT Services & 支持将为学院采购的硬件(台式机/笔记本电脑/激光)提供支持和帮助,这些硬件仅具有E世博ESBALL的贴花. IT Services & 除了基本系统和无线网络接入问题外,支持将不为个人设备提供支持.

如果你有一个E世博ESBALL购买的技术项目和贴花丢失, we will not service it until it has a decal. Please contact Jose Llamas at 在你的设备上适当地贴上巴特贴花.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 |一般信息 (530) 895-2511

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